Sunday, August 3, 2008

Shaky Leg Syndrome Conquered!

From all observable indications, it can be said that the phenomenon of Shaky Leg Syndrome has been defeated and eliminated from the concerns of modern medical science. Along with the banishment of the restless, nervous twitching of the lower extremity comes the good news that the upper extremity has also ceased to twitch, react or show any discernable signs of agitation.

The most pertinent validation of this conclusion is the absence of a popular response to the discovery that the Department of Homeland Security now has the power to seize laptops and other electronic devices from travelers to the U.S.--including U.S. citizens--and they do not even need grounds to suspect wrongdoing. This is a tremendous medical advance as anyone who lived through the protest years related to Civil Rights and the war in Viet Nam can attest.

Though big pharma might take credit for this, much can be credited, I think, to the fact that truth has become a vestigial appendage to modern living. The only truth we've been told about Iraq is that we are there. That McCain and Obama content themselves to argue about whether or not the Surge was successful demonstrates their intent to limit and frame the debate around immaterial issues (Did that bandage on the finger successfully limit the blood flowing from the dying body?) and leave the truth to the imagination.

A cute article in today's New York Times attempted a serious discussion about the Nuremberg trials and the concentration camp at Gitmo failing to see that the point of Nuremberg was to uncover (to a degree) the truth while that of Gitmo is to contain it.

If Terry Southern were writing this script--and who can say that he isn't?--George Bush and his crack team of anti-Constitutionalists would end up in Gitmo for war crimes struggling in vain to get their statements on the record.

Rest in peace HST.

1 comment:

Faisal said...

Very good. You used "crack" to refer GWB's team, which ascribes a certain degree of competency, if not expertise, to the crooks. Crack-addicted might be more apt.