Monday, July 6, 2009

James Lovelock

I am well known for being egregiously green with regard to matters that are peripheral to my main interests in life. Would that more of us could make that statement. This brings me to think of James Lovelock who has been up to no good promulgating a viewpoint with which absolutely nobody will be able to make a dime. According to Mr. Lovelock, author of "The Vanishing Face of Gaia", it is too late for the planet to go green to any good effect in the way it is too late for Ben Affleck to...well, you know.

The foundational assumption of "Green" is that the Earth is worth saving. I wonder if the truth of the matter is that we are actually trying to save ourselves, since the Earth will get along just fine without us after we are gone. How much of this is merely a manifestation of ego which postulates that the species that produced American Idol and The Real Housewives of New Jersey must, somehow, manage to survive to bring forth sequels and spin-offs of all sorts?

Perhaps the best way to save the planet is to get rid of all of us.

1 comment:

Lady Guenevere said...

We are of little consequence in the greater scheme of things