Saturday, December 19, 2009

Paris Match

It is sad to read in Paris Match that two of my favorite people have come to a bad turning. Christophe Rocancourt and Catherine Breillat are having a petit contre-temps over the meager sum of 850,000 euros though it is well known to some that I will jump in for as little as $300,000, so I am not one to talk. Catherine has gone so far as to bestow upon him the nickname of le rauque or rat face, if you will. The charge she has leveled against him is Abus de faiblesse, a term which will feature prominently in all of my future litigation, to be sure.

Christophe claims that all this has to do with an advance for his participation in the director's upcoming film "Bad Love". How perfect is that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bookmarked this. Thank you for sharing. Definitely benefit my time.