Monday, March 2, 2009

The Mountain would like to come up, Monsieur.

We seem to have returned to the natural order of things and the Mountain is once again coming to Mohammed. It was ever thus, but I confess I passed a moment where I was uncertain from whence my next Bentley Continental would be coming and this-that-and-the-other-thing seemed out of grasp. I'd heard that one should work hard, strive to do well, give full support to those we care about and live for your dreams. I followed these dictates to the letter, of course. What a total waste of time that was.

Hiding in the closet of my (junior) suite, I am being hounded by offers of all sorts as though the finer things in life are my due and that it was daylight madness to think that diligent, hard work in a good cause would gather them to me like so many cows around a feeding trough.

It might be said that I deserve these things because I am me. The sad part, though, is that some effort was actually involved in this return to normalcy. You see, it is hard work being me.

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