Monday, June 22, 2009

Bill Maher's Real Time

Over the weekend, a friend sent me a link to a site where Meghan McCain's appearance on Bill Maher's Real Time was posted for viewing. It never ceases to amaze me the degree to which people are willing to express themselves when they know absolutely nothing about which they speak. Meghan's escape clause and justification for her self-contented ignorance--"I wasn't born then"--was appropriately countered by Paul Begala's retort that he knew of the French Revolution though he, as she, hadn't yet been born.

Meghan's most naked revelation came when she asserted that she hadn't come onto the show to look back but was there to talk about "my career". Reminds me of the inimitable Francis Urquhart's comment about "...a sack of squirming appetites."

Watching Meghan caused me to think of Christopher Hitchen's appraisal of Sarah Palin as a "...woman utterly unversed in any of the needful political discourses." Perhaps the party has found its new brand.

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