Monday, October 12, 2009

Nicolas Sarkozy on Twitter

Following on the rigors of the jambes en l'air-a-thon that was my Fashion Week, I've resolved to focus on more sober and serious matters with the arrival of Le Figaro this morning (and yes, I prefer reading the actual paper rather than the on-line edition). In spite of this resolve, I am confronted with the news that the Elysee is establishing a Twitter account for Nicolas Sarkozy with which le chef de l'Etat can nous tenir au courant. I can just imagine the Tweets soon to be issuing forth:

« Il me prend pour un con, celui-là ! » (This guy takes me for a *%#!)

« Il y a du monde au balcon ! » (I admire her position!)

« Va te faire foutre ! » (Isn't there somewhere else you would rather be?)

« Où sont les filles ? » (We must give women's issues their due.)

« Tu me prends la tête pour rien ! » (It's always a pleasure to discourse with you!)

I think this is a good thing and look forward to seeing where it might lead. Wouldn't it have been insightful if leaders from d'autre fois could have apprised us of their thoughts as they occurred? Imagine Twitter in the hands of George Patton, JFK or Bokassa.

I say we open Twitter accounts for Kim Jong Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad before it's too late.

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