Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Berlusconi mariage: "Une histoire finie"

According to my copy of Le Figaro today, Berlusconi has conceded defeat with regard to his marriage to Veronica Lario, which comes as no surprise to me inasmuch as the man utterly ignored my "What would Brad Pitt do?" advice and played it like an average Joe to ruinous results (depending on one's point of view). Berlusconi is quoted as saying that his marriage is, "...fini ou sur le point de finir" (though I suspect he actually said it in Italian).

Does this mean that the jolies filles, as described by Ms Lario in her denunciations, will now lose interest in the statesman or might their numbers swell, their natures becoming increasingly competitive in vying to become the new First Lady of Italy? I can only go by personal experience, but it must be said that I play by strict Hollywood rules and would advise Signor Berlusconi to double the size of his carnet d'adresses as quickly as he is able to do so--that is, if he doesn't continue to play the scene as average Joe (not to be mistaken for Joe the Plumber).

As one door closes, another slams open in your face and Berlusconi can expect that Veronica will accuse him of stealing her car (if personal experience is anything to go by) and that the rest of the world will be asking "Silvio, what took so long?"

It is nice to know that, even though the moguls of yesteryear are gone from the landscape, Hollywood still has all the answers. I would caution both parties to the marriage, however, that television in not Hollywood and that reality television is to be avoided at all costs even if the price to pay is reuniting.

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