Monday, May 11, 2009

[famous name deleted]

I spoke to [famous name deleted] on the phone today about his film project as a branded TV series using [proprietary information deleted] to provide the book-ending à la Rod Serling on Twilight Zone. He is quite excited about the idea and is going to call his writing partner to convey his enthusiasm about the proposition, which will, no doubt, kill the deal.

Anyone in Hollywood knows that when someone approaches expressing enthusiasm, they are up to no good (we are), that they intend to use your project for their own aggrandizement (we do) and, invariably, will steal away your baby and leave nothing at all for you (undoubtedly, we will). I will continue to monitor the situation.

I'm going to watch one of The Killers on DVD but haven't decided yet if it will be the Burt Lancaster or John Cassavetes version.

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